The weighing in continues and now it is the red team's turn. The first biggest loser contestant in the red team that is going to be weighed in is - Ryan. Ryan's starting weight is 293 lbs. and after three weeks it went down to 269 lbs. The next red team contestant to be weighed in is Winwin and her weigh went down from 260 - 243 lbs. The third red team contetant being weighed in is Hazel and her weight went down from 206 lbs - 198 lbs. Raffy is the fourth red team contestant that is weighed in and his weight went down from 289 lbs - 267 lbs. Eboy's weight went down from 481 lbs - 447 lbs where he got the highest loss of weight - 34 lbs. Destiny's weight went down from 221 lbs - 211 lbs and Art's weight went down from 341 lbs - 320 lbs. The total percentage of the red team's loss of weight did not go higher than the blue team's percentage where this lead the red team to experience the biggest challenge in this show. Because the red team got the lowest percentage, they are going to have a votation on who is going to be voted out in their team. The red team contestants have finally decided and Destiny got the highest votes to be voted out in the show. Ms. Sharon Cuneta then tells Destiny that the votes are final and she nust pack her things up and leave the biggest loser camp.
Watch more of Biggest Loser Pinoy Edition  June 13 episode replay below:


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