At 0434 hours (4:34 a.m.), two armies went inside the Biggest Loser Pinoy Edition camp to wake up the nine remaining contestants. The nine remaining contestants were all shocked with the one who wakes them up early in the morning where all they hear is a loud voice giving them instructions. Raffy is not used to be awaken by someone early in the morning and give him some instructions but he is trying his best to move fast. The two armies are letting the nine remaining contestants to pack up some of their things in an army bag so that they are going to the area of training. The nine remaining contestants then went to an army training camp and met sergeant Elmer who is going to be their leader all through the army training. Sergeant Elmer told the nine remaining contestants to answer all his questions in a loud manner and there should be a word - Sir at the end of their answer. When Sergeant Elmer checked the attendance of the nine remaining contestants, he asked Art to answer him louder and Art was offended. Art didn't react because he is respecting Sergeant Elmer as their leader for the army training. Later on, the nine remaining contestants are asked to do some army drills wherein Leigh gave up because she got too tired. With a heavy and hard army training, Winwin was stopped by an army because she is injured. Angela got very tired also and she don't know what else to do but to challenge herself to strive more. After their initial drills, the nine remaining contestants will be given little time for them to get cleaned up. The nine remaining contestants are only given two minutes to take a bath and change their clothes. Hazel thought that getting cleaned up within two minutes is very hard because she is used to get cleaned up for a long time.Now that the contestants face a new challenge, will they survive?
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